Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Change a clutch in a 1997 Suzuki RM80 dirt bike?

does anyone know any sites or diagrams anything that can help me learn how to change the clutch plates in my dirt bike 1997 Suzuki RM80
Change a clutch in a 1997 Suzuki RM80 dirt bike?
It is soooooooo easy...First drain your oil...Then pull the side cover off the right side of your motor..Take the bolts out of your clutch basket..Should be a 9mm socket..Pull the outer plate out and you will be able to see your plates..Pull all your plates out..might have to use 2 small screwdrivers to get them out..go easy and make sure not to bend anything..You might have to use your steel plates if you didn't buy new...

Start putting in your new plates...start with a fiber plate and then a steel then a fiber and then a steel..and on and on...As long as you started with a fiber and ended with a fiber your good as gold..Put your plate back on...there might be a mark that you have to line up on your plate and your clutch boss..Like a dot and a little arrow so the plate fits all the way on..Now start putting your springs and bolts back on just snug..Once they are all snug..start to tighten them just a little more then snug..tighten one and then go across from theta one and tighten another and then across from that one..cris-cross..Do not tighten them too tight..don't want to break any....ok...now the side cover and gasket...if you broke your gasket get a new one...don't want it to leak..side cover bolts..just past snug...don't break one off....Your goood to go...
Change a clutch in a 1997 Suzuki RM80 dirt bike?

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