Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Changing gears without a clutch, and double clutching?


two questions.

1. I have a 1991 alfa romeo, and it's getting increasingly harder to put in second gear without that crunching noise. Alfa's generally have a tight gearbox(whatever that means) but 2nd gear is a little ridiculous.. Its worse changing down to second than changing up also. Some one told me it's got something to do with the syncro mesh, what does that mean? And should I be double clutching to get into second.. and if so, what is double clutching?

Also my flatmates have been having an argument over changing gears without using the clutch, i wikki'd it and it says its all about matching the revs or whatever. What I want to know is whether or not it is bad for your car to do, if you do it successfully I mean? Like I realise doing it with force and not properly is bad for it, but if you can do it, is it bad?

K, that turned into a million questions, as you can tell I'm fairly clueless when it comes to cars, so any help would be awsome.


Changing gears without a clutch, and double clutching?
Check the clutch plate, may be worn. You double clutch big rigs, not cars they can't handle it.
Changing gears without a clutch, and double clutching?
The synchromesh is toast and so is your piggy bank. sorry . these are nice cars but not cheap
you have a messed up synchro and its not going to get any better/the trans has to be opened up and new synchros installed//soon you wont be able to get it gear and hold it there and you may have severe gear damage as a result//// those alfas are slightly delicate and temperamental

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