Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I just got my clutch changed yesterday, but sometimes when I try to switch gears, I can't, they are stuck.

Yes, I am pressing it down all the way:)
I just got my clutch changed yesterday, but sometimes when I try to switch gears, I can't, they are stuck.
take it back to who ever changed it.
I just got my clutch changed yesterday, but sometimes when I try to switch gears, I can't, they are stuck.
maybe it is the GearBox lubrication, cuz they kinda remove some when repairing it, or maybe it is the clutch pressure (thats when he removes the air trapped in ur hydraulic oil chamber), let me make it easy 4 u sugar, Go to ur mechanic and tell him it is his fault he did not lubricate/De-Pressure the hydraulic oil case correctely..

wish it helps
Get it back soon to whoever installed ..it's not functioning right....you also could get in a serious accident..don't gamble with your life..
when you press down all the way with the parking brake off does it creep in gear ? if it does the clearance needs adjustment,in any case you should take it back to the fitter as it is not adjusted correctly is it .
get a new car
take it back and have them adjust the clutch properly.

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