Friday, September 23, 2011

Can a clutch stop your bike from changing gear?

well i was wondering if a clutch could stop a bike from changing gear as mine doesn't i would have thought so as u can change gear without the clutch but some one said to me it could
Can a clutch stop your bike from changing gear?
If you change thee gears without the clutch fully disengaged, yours gears will wear out soon and you'll look for a gearbox replacement very soon.
Can a clutch stop your bike from changing gear?
Clutches are designed to assist gearchanging, not prevent it.

%26quot; mine doesn't...%26quot;; Your what doesn't what? Your clutch doesn't stop your bike changing gear? It's not meant to. Your bike doesn't change gear? You can change gear on a m/c without the clutch once you're moving, but it's not recommended as a general practice. If your bike doesn't change gear it could be something simple like the clutch needs adjustment, or it could be a much worse problem, like bent selector forks in the gearbox, which means a complete engine/gearbox stripdown.

Oil Affects it in that, if there isn't enough, you've probably already wrecked your engine anyway (if it's a 4-stroke, 'cos the engine and gearbox oil are the same) or you may have damaged only the gearbox (if it's a 2-stroke). The wrong oil in the gearbox (if 2-stroke) would make shifting difficult if it's too thick, but shouldn't prevent it altogether. If the oil was too thin, then you've wrecked it.

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