Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I bled my slave cylinder and my clutch still isn't working right. What is the problem?

1985 Nissan 300ZX. Bled both cylinders that needed to be bled. Just changed the clutch. It was working fine until the other day. Could it be my slave cylinder, or did I just not do it right?
I bled my slave cylinder and my clutch still isn't working right. What is the problem?
What is actually happening...is the pedal super soft....staying on the floor. You bled the slave %26amp; master........ Does the car drive ....if so is it slipping.....What are the details What is not right aobut it.
I bled my slave cylinder and my clutch still isn't working right. What is the problem?
Could be a master cylinder, bad slave cylinder, not bled enough or right.
would not drive it anymore than you have to. Did you use the correct fluid? you have a leak unless your tranny has eaten the pilot bearing. Did you park it over a large peice of cardboard? you should have replaced the slave the same time you did the clutch.
85 300ZX? Try this, You may need to push the rod back into the slave cyl with a pry bar when you bleed it.They trap an air bubble in the slave on that year/model and give a mushy, hard to get in gear symptom. Pry back on the clutch fork until the push rod bottoms in slave.SLOWLY depress clutch with bleeder open until air stops bubbling out. Repeat until its clear fluid. Pump clutch up and it will probably work OK.

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