Have'nt had a chance to look at it properly yet. Lost first and second gear. Hoping the linkage has come loose but expecting the worst.
Is it possible to change the clutch on a 97 Renault Scenic without having to take out the engine?
I had one of them. A blue one, used to go like the wind. I even customised mine and strapped much loved children's entertainer Basil Brush to the front grill. Had exactly the same problem as you but in reverse. Lost 5th, next 4th, you can see the pattern. I could still manage my paper round with 1st and 2nd. In the end I had to abandon it on the hard shoulder of the M62 and finish my round on foot. Its still there today if your ever passing that way. The council cut the roof off and planted flowers in it. If all else fails you could do that, I know Dermott the Irish gardening chap used a similar idea at Chelsea this year and won a silver. Hope it doesn't come to that though they are lovely little runners. Hope that helps
Is it possible to change the clutch on a 97 Renault Scenic without having to take out the engine?
either way something has to come out engine or tranny cause your clutch is on your engine but in most cases the tranny coms out
to change the clutch you just have to take your transmission out..
the engine has nothing to do with it...
the clutch plate and the pressure plate usualy wear out...
the symptoms are the pick up is lost, when you release the clutch and accelerate simultaneously......just take the gear box out...do not mess with the engine, it's gonna be stupid.!!!
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