I have a BMW 2001 325i, and it was working perfectly till I got an oil change a couple of days ago. From the very first second, after the oil change I could feel the clutch slippage and now I'm wondering how I can fix it!
The new oil I used is : Castrol Syntec.
Any help is much appreciated!
Can Synthetic oil change cause clutch slippage?
As long as they flushed the engine fully (it normally needs 3 or 4 flushes) then there won't be a problem.
If they didn't flush your engine properly, then that's the problem.
Take the car back to the garage and demand they put it right,
Can Synthetic oil change cause clutch slippage?
Motor oil in no way would affect your clutch. Your clutch, in all likely hood, just happened to have clutch issues right after the oil was changed.
Although, there is one problem that can at times arise when switching to synthetic from standard mineral or petroleum oil. This problem occurs when seals are old and covered in deposits, when the synthetic oil with its superior cleaning abilities come in contact with these seals, the oil will clean away the deposits from the seal and can even cause leaks. The oil does not cause damage to the seals as some will tell you it is just the oil clearing away deposits from seals. Anyway, if this has happened, a seal may have leaked oil inside the bell housing causing clutch slippage. This would seem unlikely though due to the fact that your car is relatively new, but if it is high mileage it could happen. If your car starts to drip oil, look under it with a flashlight, see if you see oil dripping from your bell housing which connects the engine to the transmission. It will have a small drain hole which would allow the oil to drip. This could be what is wrong with your car.
WHat could be happpening is because of Synthetics ability to flow so well it is possibly leaking out the back of the block onto your clutch. You will want to monitor your oil level... also does it smell like clutch or smell like clutch with oil burning off it. Go back to a nice 10w-40w or 20w -50w and see if it stops.
The engine oil really doesn't have anything to do with the clutch.
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